Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. According to the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), students are expected to participate in PDHPE for between 1.5 and 2.5 hours per week in Kindergarten to Year 6.
PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.
PDHPE affirms that most students are healthy, safe, active and well and bring with them strengths, capacities and resources. In our lessons we focus on what keeps us healthy, safe, well and physically active throughout life.
We focus on the value of movement, physical activity, physical literacy, and physical education to build knowledge, understanding and skills for a lifetime of physical activity.
At Gundaroo Public School we facilitate a range of opportunities for engaging in sporting activities. Our students engage in a wide range of sporting activities to develop
- Motor Skills
- Coordination
- Resilience
- Team work
- Knowledge
Engaging in a range of activities also assists our students in finding the physical activity that ignites their passion. In our active school, sneakers are a part of our school uniform.
Each year we have our whole school sports carnivals including Swimming Carnival, Cross Country Carnival and Athletics Carnival with representatives going on to compete at the District Carnivals. Our sports carnivals promote teamwork, resilience and empathy alongside the sporting skills students are developing.